Here they are this week finally as promised... Finally found the time and motivation to edit for all variants of OS. Modded to allow wireless mode selections , RTS, frag, MAC address and other goodies for both 036NH and 036NHA for all OS. Mainly to benefit 036NH and 036NHA owners who are shocked at the severe lack of tweaking options available when using an 036NH or 036NHA. Very much still a WIP. The Atheros ones have had more time/work put in but wirelessmode selection is still available for Ralinks too, useful if you want to trade speed for range. Report any omissions and errors found on thread. If they improve anything compared to bog standard, report that too. Feedback is important to make them better. Win8 x64 versions will require enabling test mode, as new patch guard hates any modding at all. Win7 and below installs and works without issues on both flavours x86 or x64. Install from device manager. I'm running these ones myself now, and constantly looking for ways to improve them like I did to the same level for the 036H. First Release...
thx you for the work , i'll try this driver soon!!Times ago i found how unlock TxRate for ralink ,editing registry value called CountryWirelessMode=111f1110(u can find this in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\0008), change value in CountryWirelessMode=10001000 when u're doing this modify u need firstly unplug wifi card and close RaUI,after doing this u can see in AdvAnced pannel in RaUI Well i use RaUI(v3.15) old one , becouse i'm familiar with it, driver are new(last official) WARNING: when i found out how unlock TXRate, the pannel TXRate in RaUI Version 5.1.7 doesn't show
I think there is plenty more potential that can be unlocked. It's just all about finding those obscure values and how they all interact. Information is scarce at best. For instance in the registry there is CountryTxPower for the Ralinks that is set to 14hex (20dbm) Somewhere to be found around : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control\ Class \ {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} \ 0015 (this last number can be anything depending on how many times you installed/uninstalled adapters along with a bunch of VirtualWifi entries so you may have to go hunting through all of them) I read also that editing this in Windows registry and rebooting can change the TX power in Windows. But CountryRegion may have to be also set to something other than 1 (ETSI 1-13). So 20 (dbm) change to 30 or 27 (dbm). Here are the relevant entries of interest... If I can figure out how to set this, then control the TX rate from the drivers advanced options and make up a section for it itself, i'll implement it without needing the GUI which means it could run on later drivers. *CountryWirelessMode may be set to value 11101110 on earlier drivers. The question is does enabling those unlocks cripple the use of 802.11n ? --- Double Post Merged, 25 Jun 2014 --- Open RaCoInst.dat in Wordpad as a text file and there are some very interesting values to be found and experimented with including the one you gave : Your CountryWirelessMode selection of 10001000 equates to Morocco , Russia, or Ukraine ! And as we can see the settings can be edited to either fool the system Locale or get around the TX power limits. [Settings] ;************************************************************************************************ ;* WindowsCountry (For all of the following feature in settings section) ;* LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: Get region from Windows LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT ;* LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT: Get region from Windows LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT ;* [Locale Short Name]: Set CountryRegion directly. (USA for example) ;************************************************************************************************ WindowsCountry=LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT ;************************************************************************************************ ;* CarrierDetect ;* [Locale Short Name]: Enable CarrierDetect if current Windows region is in this list. (FRA,ESP for example) ;************************************************************************************************ CarrierDetect=JPN ;************************************************************************************************ ;* IEEE802_11H ;* [Locale Short Name]: Enable IEEE802_11H if current Windows region is in this list. (FRA,ESP for example) ;************************************************************************************************ IEEE80211H=JPN ;************************************************************************************************ ;* 2.4GHz Channels ;* 0: Ch 1 - 11 ;* 1: Ch 1 - 13 ;* 2: Ch 10 - 11 ;* 3: Ch 10 - 13 ;* 4: Ch 14 ;* 5: Ch 1 - 14 ;* 6: Ch 3 - 9 ;* 7: Ch 5 - 13 ;* [Empty]: Use default in inf ;************************************************************************************************ [RegionChannel2_4G] ;ALBANIA ALB=1 ;ALGERIA DZA=1 ;ARGENTINA ARG=0 ;ARMENIA ARM=1 ;AUSTRALIA AUS=1 ;AUSTRIA AUT=1 ;AZERBAIJAN AZE=1 ;BAHRAIN BHR=0 ;BELARUS BLR=1 ;BELGIUM BEL=1 ;BELIZE BLZ=1 ;BOLIVIA BOL=1 ;BRAZIL BRA=0 ;BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BRN=1 ;BULGARIA BGR=1 ;CANADA CAN=0 ;CHILE CHL=0 ;CHINA CHN=1 ;COLUMBIA COL=1 ;COSTA RICA CRI=1 ;CROATIA HRV=0 ;CYPRUS CYP=1 ;CZECH REPUBLIC CZE=1 ;DENMARK DNK=1 ;DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOM=0 ;ECUADOR ECU=0 ;EGYPT EGY=1 ;EL SALVADOR SLV=1 ;ESTONIA EST=1 ;FINLAND FIN=1 ;FRANCE FRA=1 ;GEORGIA GEO=1 ;GERMANY DEU=1 ;GREECE GRC=1 ;GUATEMALA GTM=0 ;HONDURAS HND=1 ;HONG KONG HKG=0 ;HUNGARY HUN=1 ;ICELAND ISL=1 ;INDIA IND=1 ;INDONESIA IDN=1 ;IRAN IRN=1 ;IRELAND IRL=1 ;ISRAEL ISR=1 ;ITALY ITA=1 ;JAPAN JPN=5 ;JORDAN JOR=1 ;KAZAKHSTAN KAZ=1 ;KOREA PRK=1 ;KOREA REPUBLIC OF KOR=1 ;KUWAIT KWT=1 ;LATVIA LVA=1 ;LEBANON LBN=1 ;LIECHTENSTEIN LIE=1 ;LITHUANIA LTU=1 ;LUXEMBOURG LUX=1 ;MACAU MAC=1 ;MACEDONIA MKD=1 ;MALAYSIA MYS=0 ;MEXICO MEX=0 ;MONACO MCO=1 ;MOROCCO MAR=1 ;NETHERLANDS NLD=1 ;NEW ZEALAND NZL=1 ;NORWAY NOR=1 ;OMAN OMN=1 ;PAKISTAN PAK=1 ;PANAMA PAN=0 ;PERU PER=0 ;PHILIPPINES PHL=0 ;POLAND POL=1 ;PORTUGAL PRT=1 ;PUERTO RICO PRI=0 ;QATAR QAT=1 ;ROMANIA ROU=0 ;RUSSIA RUS=1 ;SAUDI ARABIA SAU=0 ;SINGAPORE SGP=1 ;SLOVAKIA SVK=1 ;SLOVENIA SVN=1 ;SOUTH AFRICA ZAF=1 ;SPAIN ESP=1 ;SWEDEN SWE=1 ;SWITZERLAND CHE=1 ;SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC SYR=1 ;TAIWAN TWN=0 ;THAILAND THA=1 ;TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TTO=1 ;TUNISIA TUN=1 ;TURKEY TUR=1 ;UKRAINE UKR=0 ;UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ARE=1 ;UNITED KINGDOM GBR=1 ;UNITED STATES USA=0 ;URUGUAY URY=0 ;UZBEKISTAN UZB=1 ;VENEZUELA VEN=0 ;VIET NAM VNM=1 ;YEMEN YEM=1 ;ZIMBABWE ZWE=1 ;************************************************************************************************ ;* 5GHz Channels ;* 0: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ;* 1: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140 ;* 2: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 ;* 3: 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161 ;* 4: 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ;* 5: 149, 153, 157, 161 ;* 6: 36, 40, 44, 48 ;* 7: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165, 169, 173 ;* 8: 52, 56, 60, 64 ;* 9: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ;* 10: 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ;* 11: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 149, 153, 157, 161 ;* 12: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140 ;* 13: 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161 ;* 14: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 ;* 15: 149, 153, 157, 161, 165, 169, 173 ;* [Empty]: Use default in inf ;************************************************************************************************ [RegionChannel5G] ;ALBANIA ALB= ;ALGERIA DZA= ;ARGENTINA ARG=8 ;ARMENIA ARM=2 ;AUSTRALIA AUS=1 ;AUSTRIA AUT=6 ;AZERBAIJAN AZE=2 ;BAHRAIN BHR=0 ;BELARUS BLR= ;BELGIUM BEL=2 ;BELIZE BLZ=4 ;BOLIVIA BOL=4 ;BRAZIL BRA=7 ;BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BRN=4 ;BULGARIA BGR=1 ;CANADA CAN=9 ;CHILE CHL=0 ;CHINA CHN=4 ;COLUMBIA COL=0 ;COSTA RICA CRI= ;CROATIA HRV=2 ;CYPRUS CYP=2 ;CZECH REPUBLIC CZE=2 ;DENMARK DNK=1 ;DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOM=0 ;ECUADOR ECU=4 ;EGYPT EGY=2 ;EL SALVADOR SLV= ;ESTONIA EST=1 ;FINLAND FIN=1 ;FRANCE FRA=2 ;GEORGIA GEO=2 ;GERMANY DEU=1 ;GREECE GRC=1 ;GUATEMALA GTM=0 ;HONDURAS HND= ;HONG KONG HKG=0 ;HUNGARY HUN=2 ;ICELAND ISL=1 ;INDIA IND=0 ;INDONESIA IDN=4 ;IRAN IRN=4 ;IRELAND IRL=1 ;ISRAEL ISR=2 ;ITALY ITA=2 ;JAPAN JPN=1 ;JORDAN JOR=10 ;KAZAKHSTAN KAZ= ;KOREA PRK=11 ;KOREA REPUBLIC OF KOR=11 ;KUWAIT KWT= ;LATVIA LVA=1 ;LEBANON LBN= ;LIECHTENSTEIN LIE=2 ;LITHUANIA LTU=1 ;LUXEMBOURG LUX=1 ;MACAU MAC=0 ;MACEDONIA MKD= ;MALAYSIA MYS=3 ;MEXICO MEX=0 ;MONACO MCO=2 ;MOROCCO MAR= ;NETHERLANDS NLD=1 ;NEW ZEALAND NZL=0 ;NORWAY NOR=1 ;OMAN OMN=0 ;PAKISTAN PAK= ;PANAMA PAN=0 ;PERU PER=4 ;PHILIPPINES PHL=4 ;POLAND POL=1 ;PORTUGAL PRT=1 ;PUERTO RICO PRI=0 ;QATAR QAT= ;ROMANIA ROU= ;RUSSIA RUS= ;SAUDI ARABIA SAU=0 ;SINGAPORE SGP=10 ;SLOVAKIA SVK=2 ;SLOVENIA SVN=1 ;SOUTH AFRICA ZAF=1 ;SPAIN ESP=1 ;SWEDEN SWE=1 ;SWITZERLAND CHE=2 ;SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC SYR= ;TAIWAN TWN=3 ;THAILAND THA= ;TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TTO=2 ;TUNISIA TUN=2 ;TURKEY TUR=1 ;UKRAINE UKR=1 ;UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ARE= ;UNITED KINGDOM GBR=1 ;UNITED STATES USA=9 ;URUGUAY URY=4 ;UZBEKISTAN UZB= ;VENEZUELA VEN=4 ;VIET NAM VNM= ;YEMEN YEM= ;ZIMBABWE ZWE= ;************************************************************************************************ ;* 2.4G Country Tx Power talbe ;* [CountryRegion]=[2.4G Tx Power] ;************************************************************************************************ [CountryTxPwr] ;ALBANIA ALB= ;ALGERIA DZA=20 ;ARGENTINA ARG=30 ;ARMENIA ARM= ;AUSTRALIA AUS=20 ;AUSTRIA AUT=20 ;AZERBAIJAN AZE=20 ;BAHRAIN BHR=20 ;BELARUS BLR= ;BELGIUM BEL=20 ;BELIZE BLZ=30 ;BOLIVIA BOL=30 ;BRAZIL BRA=30 ;BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BRN=20 ;BULGARIA BGR=20 ;CANADA CAN=30 ;CHILE CHL=20 ;CHINA CHN=20 ;COLUMBIA COL=30 ;COSTA RICA CRI=30 ;CROATIA HRV=20 ;CYPRUS CYP=20 ;CZECH REPUBLIC CZE=20 ;DENMARK DNK=20 ;DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOM=30 ;ECUADOR ECU=30 ;EGYPT EGY=20 ;EL SALVADOR SLV=30 ;ESTONIA EST=20 ;FINLAND FIN=20 ;FRANCE FRA=20 ;GEORGIA GEO= ;GERMANY DEU=20 ;GREECE GRC=20 ;GUATEMALA GTM=30 ;HONDURAS HND=30 ;HONG KONG HKG=20 ;HUNGARY HUN=20 ;ICELAND ISL=20 ;INDIA IND=20 ;INDONESIA IDN=30 ;IRAN IRN= ;IRELAND IRL=20 ;ISRAEL ISR=20 ;ITALY ITA=20 ;JAPAN JPN=20 ;JORDAN JOR=20 ;KAZAKHSTAN KAZ=20 ;KOREA PRK= ;KOREA REPUBLIC OF KOR=20 ;KUWAIT KWT=20 ;LATVIA LVA=20 ;LEBANON LBN=20 ;LIECHTENSTEIN LIE=20 ;LITHUANIA LTU= ;LUXEMBOURG LUX=20 ;MACAU MAC=20 ;MACEDONIA MKD=20 ;MALAYSIA MYS=27 ;MEXICO MEX=27 ;MONACO MCO= ;MOROCCO MAR=10 ;NETHERLANDS NLD=20 ;NEW ZEALAND NZL=20 ;NORWAY NOR=20 ;OMAN OMN=20 ;PAKISTAN PAK=20 ;PANAMA PAN=30 ;PERU PER=20 ;PHILIPPINES PHL=24 ;POLAND POL=20 ;PORTUGAL PRT=20 ;PUERTO RICO PRI=30 ;QATAR QAT=20 ;ROMANIA ROU=20 ;RUSSIA RUS=20 ;SAUDI ARABIA SAU=20 ;SINGAPORE SGP=20 ;SLOVAKIA SVK=20 ;SLOVENIA SVN=20 ;SOUTH AFRICA ZAF=20 ;SPAIN ESP=20 ;SWEDEN SWE=20 ;SWITZERLAND CHE=20 ;SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC SYR= ;TAIWAN TWN=30 ;THAILAND THA=20 ;TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TTO=30 ;TUNISIA TUN=20 ;TURKEY TUR=20 ;UKRAINE UKR=20 ;UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ARE=20 ;UNITED KINGDOM GBR=20 ;UNITED STATES USA=30 ;URUGUAY URY=30 ;UZBEKISTAN UZB= ;VENEZUELA VEN=30 ;VIET NAM VNM=20 ;YEMEN YEM= ;ZIMBABWE ZWE= ;************************************************************************************************ ;* 5G Country Tx Power talbe ;* [CountryRegion]=[5.15~5.25][5.25~5.35][5.47~5.725][5.725~5.850] ;************************************************************************************************ [CountryTxPwr5G] ;ALBANIA ALB= ;ALGERIA DZA= ;ARGENTINA ARG= ;ARMENIA ARM= ;AUSTRALIA AUS=23,23,30,99 ;AUSTRIA AUT=23,23,30,99 ;AZERBAIJAN AZE= ;BAHRAIN BHR= ;BELARUS BLR= ;BELGIUM BEL=23,23,30,99 ;BELIZE BLZ= ;BOLIVIA BOL= ;BRAZIL BRA= ;BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BRN= ;BULGARIA BGR= ;CANADA CAN= ;CHILE CHL= ;CHINA CHN=99,99,99,33 ;COLUMBIA COL= ;COSTA RICA CRI= ;CROATIA HRV= ;CYPRUS CYP=23,23,30,99 ;CZECH REPUBLIC CZE= ;DENMARK DNK=23,23,30,99 ;DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOM= ;ECUADOR ECU= ;EGYPT EGY= ;EL SALVADOR SLV= ;ESTONIA EST=23,23,30,99 ;FINLAND FIN=23,23,30,99 ;FRANCE FRA=23,23,30,99 ;GEORGIA GEO= ;GERMANY DEU=23,23,30,99 ;GREECE GRC=23,23,30,99 ;GUATEMALA GTM= ;HONDURAS HND= ;HONG KONG HKG= ;HUNGARY HUN=23,23,30,99 ;ICELAND ISL=23,23,30,99 ;INDIA IND= ;INDONESIA IDN=99,99,99,99 ;IRAN IRN= ;IRELAND IRL=23,23,30,99 ;ISRAEL ISR= ;ITALY ITA=23,23,30,99 ;JAPAN JPN= ;JORDAN JOR= ;KAZAKHSTAN KAZ= ;KOREA PRK= ;KOREA REPUBLIC OF KOR= ;KUWAIT KWT= ;LATVIA LVA= ;LEBANON LBN= ;LIECHTENSTEIN LIE=23,23,30,99 ;LITHUANIA LTU= ;LUXEMBOURG LUX=23,23,30,99 ;MACAU MAC= ;MACEDONIA MKD= ;MALAYSIA MYS= ;MEXICO MEX= ;MONACO MCO= ;MOROCCO MAR= ;NETHERLANDS NLD=23,23,30,99 ;NEW ZEALAND NZL=23,23,30,99 ;NORWAY NOR=23,23,30,99 ;OMAN OMN= ;PAKISTAN PAK= ;PANAMA PAN= ;PERU PER= ;PHILIPPINES PHL= ;POLAND POL=23,23,30,99 ;PORTUGAL PRT=23,23,30,99 ;PUERTO RICO PRI= ;QATAR QAT= ;ROMANIA ROU= ;RUSSIA RUS= ;SAUDI ARABIA SAU= ;SINGAPORE SGP= ;SLOVAKIA SVK= ;SLOVENIA SVN= ;SOUTH AFRICA ZAF= ;SPAIN ESP=23,23,30,99 ;SWEDEN SWE=23,23,30,99 ;SWITZERLAND CHE=23,23,30,99 ;SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC SYR= ;TAIWAN TWN=99,17,24,30 ;THAILAND THA= ;TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TTO= ;TUNISIA TUN= ;TURKEY TUR=23,23,30,99 ;UKRAINE UKR= ;UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ARE= ;UNITED KINGDOM GBR=23,23,30,99 ;UNITED STATES USA=17,24,24,30 ;URUGUAY URY= ;UZBEKISTAN UZB= ;VENEZUELA VEN= ;VIET NAM VNM= ;YEMEN YEM= ;ZIMBABWE ZWE= ;************************************************************************************************ ;* Country Wireless Mode ;* [CountryRegion]=[5G][5G 11n BW20][5G 11n BW40][5G 11ac BW20][5G 11ac BW40][5G 11ac BW80][Reserved][2.4G][2.4G 11n BW20][2.4G 11n BW40][Reserved] ;************************************************************************************************ [CountryWirelessMode] ;ALBANIA ALB= ;ALGERIA DZA=111F1110 ;ARGENTINA ARG=111F1110 ;ARMENIA ARM= ;AUSTRALIA AUS=111F1110 ;AUSTRIA AUT=111F1110 ;AZERBAIJAN AZE= ;BAHRAIN BHR=111F1110 ;BELARUS BLR= ;BELGIUM BEL=111F1110 ;BELIZE BLZ=111F1110 ;BOLIVIA BOL=111F1110 ;BRAZIL BRA=111F1110 ;BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BRN= ;BULGARIA BGR=111F1110 ;CANADA CAN=111F1110 ;CHILE CHL=111F1110 ;CHINA CHN=111F1110 ;COLUMBIA COL=111F1110 ;COSTA RICA CRI=111F1110 ;CROATIA HRV=111F1110 ;CYPRUS CYP=111F1110 ;CZECH REPUBLIC CZE=111F1110 ;DENMARK DNK=111F1110 ;DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOM=111F1110 ;ECUADOR ECU=111F1110 ;EGYPT EGY=111F1110 ;EL SALVADOR SLV=111F1110 ;ESTONIA EST=111F1110 ;FINLAND FIN=111F1110 ;FRANCE FRA=111F1110 ;GEORGIA GEO= ;GERMANY DEU=111F1110 ;GREECE GRC=111F1110 ;GUATEMALA GTM=111F1110 ;HONDURAS HND=111F1110 ;HONG KONG HKG=111F1110 ;HUNGARY HUN=111F1110 ;ICELAND ISL=111F1110 ;INDIA IND=111F1110 ;INDONESIA IDN=111F1110 ;IRAN IRN= ;IRELAND IRL=111F1110 ;ISRAEL ISR=111F1110 ;ITALY ITA=111F1110 ;JAPAN JPN=111F1110 ;JORDAN JOR=111F1110 ;KAZAKHSTAN KAZ=111F1110 ;KOREA PRK=111F1110 ;KOREA REPUBLIC OF KOR=111F1110 ;KUWAIT KWT=00001110 ;LATVIA LVA=111F1110 ;LEBANON LBN=111F1110 ;LIECHTENSTEIN LIE=111F1110 ;LITHUANIA LTU=111F1110 ;LUXEMBOURG LUX=111F1110 ;MACAU MAC= ;MACEDONIA MKD=111F1110 ;MALAYSIA MYS=111F1110 ;MEXICO MEX=111F1110 ;MONACO MCO= ;MOROCCO MAR=10001000 ;NETHERLANDS NLD=111F1110 ;NEW ZEALAND NZL=111F1110 ;NORWAY NOR=111F1110 ;OMAN OMN=111F1110 ;PAKISTAN PAK=111F1110 ;PANAMA PAN=111F1110 ;PERU PER=111F1110 ;PHILIPPINES PHL=111F1110 ;POLAND POL=111F1110 ;PORTUGAL PRT=111F1110 ;PUERTO RICO PRI=111F1110 ;QATAR QAT=111F1110 ;ROMANIA ROU=111F1110 ;RUSSIA RUS=10001000 ;SAUDI ARABIA SAU=111F1110 ;SINGAPORE SGP=111F1110 ;SLOVAKIA SVK=111F1110 ;SLOVENIA SVN=111F1110 ;SOUTH AFRICA ZAF=111F1110 ;SPAIN ESP=111F1110 ;SWEDEN SWE=111F1110 ;SWITZERLAND CHE=111F1110 ;SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC SYR= ;TAIWAN TWN=111F1110 ;THAILAND THA=111F1110 ;TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TTO=111F1110 ;TUNISIA TUN=111F1110 ;TURKEY TUR=111F1110 ;UKRAINE UKR=10001000 ;UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ARE=111F1110 ;UNITED KINGDOM GBR=111F1110 ;UNITED STATES USA=111F1110 ;URUGUAY URY=111F1110 ;UZBEKISTAN UZB= ;VENEZUELA VEN=111F1110 ;VIET NAM VNM=111F1110 ;YEMEN YEM= ;ZIMBABWE ZWE=
i from italy and in defaults is CountryWirelessMode=111f1110 , but TXRate will be hidden , changing that values TXRate is unlocked but idk if with recent RaUI still hidden the advanced tab
Soo I have updated my NHA with the modded drivers and now there are bunch of options. Any idea what to change for better performance or stability? Cheers!
I'm using Win8.1 and for now the best thing from the modded drivers is the option to change the MAC address, very nice! Thanks kevsamiga!
I'm currently investigating implementing the use of these illegal channels on the Atheros : (It will require enabling of ignoring 11d beacons, and compliance test mode selection for country code). Yes the AR9271 is capable of "out of band" operation. I posted a separate article on this. 237, 2312 238, 2317 239, 2322 240, 2327 241, 2332 242, 2337 243, 2342 244, 2347 245, 2352 246, 2357 247, 2362 248, 2367 249, 2372 250, 2377 251, 2382 252, 2387 253, 2392 254, 2397 255, 2402 0, 2407 1, 2412 2, 2417 3, 2422 4, 2427 5, 2432 6, 2437 7, 2442 8, 2447 9, 2452 10, 2457 11, 2462 12, 2467 13, 2472 14, 2477 15, 2482 76, 2487 77, 2492 78, 2497 79, 2502 80, 2507 15, 2512 16, 2517 17, 2522 18, 2527 19, 2532 Like I said, the first version attempt is only a rough experiment, and some things will inevitably be locked by the firmware region. The drivers will/should improve over time as I figure things out what works, what to keep and what to throw away... It all depends how much is actually locked down or not as well to a large extent. Although not sure how much can be improved for Windows 8 as the QUALCOMM drivers are very bad as a starting base. --- Double Post Merged, 1 Jul 2014 --- Latest work on Atheros 01/07/14 - Managed to fix the drivers display of link speed so it's not stuck on 54/65/130Mbps any longer all the time in windows wireless status but now changes link speeds constantly depending on link conditions, so you can see how good or bad the adapter is performing and compare it to others. Should work for 300mbps mimo adapters as well through 40Mhz operation. A common pet peeve of the 9271, fixed. -typos fixed, removed some options that don't work. All base drivers swapped, is a very bad driver as it turns out, as was, also reverted to for XP just to be sure. - flipped on Space Time Block Coding for 300mbps adapter mimo owners if STA/AP also supports it. - added back removed complete WPS button support from all official drivers, and fixed non-existant registry entries related. Version 2 still being worked on... *now I can see what the link speed is doing it's easy to see what's happening with buggy Inssider graphs of XP Atheros drivers show very stable line traces. The windows 7 drivers are all over the place with the InSSIDer graphs. And the driver spirals to 1mbit just before it disconnects or shuts down completely requiring a re-plug. Moral of driver to Qualcomm/Atheros : Don't even attempt to release a beta driver unless it fixes more than it breaks.
So, for now the NHA is practically unusable with Win 8.1? I tried different drivers, old and new, the result is the same, super unstable... Any advice?
From what information I have heard/seen floating around, it appears that Windows 8.1 is not the best OS to be on if you have an 036NHA. Nothing much we mere users can do, it's in Qualcomm's hands and I doubt they care about the AR9271 anymore to bother fixing it (there are some bugs on Win7 as well but not as serious) and even the utility only ever worked on Windows XP. I just supplied the version as I found it, as apparently it is the most recent one made by Qualcomm but it looks like it's the same as all the rest, IOW broken.
Really I discovered the newer mediatek drivers are a bit iffy for performance. Speed sinks after some minutes... I'm having much better success with older drivers, which is why the modding stopped. All your Ralink problems will be solved if you use, or for Windows 7 and below, and everything will work properly again like AP mode. In 40Mhz channel widths and 5Ghz too in case of the 051NH. More control over options etc. I downloaded every driver there was since 2007 starting for the 2770 chip, and systematically went through them all one by one on Win7 x64. Incidentally this is the first available driver that supports the 3070 : IS_AP_STA_RT2870_D- The last official Ralink driver is After that it's Mediatek and a lottery.
yeah mediatek driver are shi... , on this link i found olds ralink drivers , check it, now i try this drivers IS_AP_STA_RT2870_D-
Maybe perhaps only 2770 (051NH) can use that old a driver (above)... IS_AP_STA_RT2870_D- (It works on Win7 x64 and installs the Vista64 driver instead) gives the best link quality readings on 051NH for me, out of all the drivers (for 2770+2750) that predate the 3070.
kevsamiga Hello, please make a modification to version! Version does not work consistently on my win8.1x64.
Hello everyone, which is the most stable and working AP mode,TX Power etc. Ralilink/Mediatek WI/FI utility for AWUS036NH ?! Now i use The latest from Mediatek site, but advanced tab didnt show at all.
Does anyone know where to find the ralink and driver/utility installers? I should mention that I've googled for days looking for them. All of the links I've found so far have expired. I have an awus036nh and the mediatek drivers aren't working very well. Do the ralink drivers allow for the wireless mode to be changed? I'd like to try wireless b mode to see if that improves the connection. Thanks --- Double Post Merged, 19 Jul 2016, Original Post Date: 17 Jul 2016 --- I found an installer for AWUS036NH (version listed on alfa's site and downloaded it via this link- However the driver included has no option for setting the wireless mode. Does anyone know of a modded driver that would allow for the wireless mode to be changed?