Beware of fake / counterfeit / phony, low-quality imitations of AWUS devices. Below is an anti-counterfeiting sticker on Alfa AWUS devices shipped after Feb 12, 2010, to avoid rampant counterfeit of this item on online marketplaces. YouTube VideoWatch this video on YouTube. In late 2009/early 2010, Alfa removed five online marketplace listings that were counterfeit Alfa AWUS036H wireless USB adapters. In most cases, the seller's location was China or Hong Kong. A fake ALFA product only looks very similar on the outside: On the inside the hardware is inferior, the performance is sub-par, and there is no warranty from Alfa. Here are some tips to help ensure you are buying a genuine ALFA product, and to help keep the market clear of pirated products. 1. Always be sure to purchase from an authorized reseller of Alfa products. Authorized resellers have passed a multi-faceted test with Alfa to ensure they give the best customer service and support, and it also confirms they buy the products directly from Alfa to ensure they are 100% genuine. Alfa will be launching a reseller verification page very soon, but in the meantime you can confirm if a seller is authorized by contacting Alfa directly via their web site. 2. Be cautious of "great deals." If it is too good to be true, it probably is. All of the removed listings mentioned in paragraph one were selling well below the regular market price. Sellers of pirated items can sell them very cheap because they are not quality items and cost very little to make. 3. When in doubt, contact ALFA directly with a link to the advertisement or web page of the seller. If you have already received a product and want to make sure it is genuine, email Alfa with the name of the place you purchased the item, the date of the sale, the serial number, and MAC address of the item you received. What It Should Look Like What a Fake ALFA Looks LikeYouTube VideoWatch this video on YouTube.
I have another outdoor SignalKing installed on my rooftop, this product is very strong in receiving wifi signal up to 2km
im using alfa awus036H and nhr. both are best adapter around. i found that using higher dbi such as 14dbi and above work best with this adapter . NHA is the best tool to use for WPS but the signal strength is lower than NHR
I I means NHA is greater than NHR right? But does the NHA signal strength turns out like NHR ?
Signal strength is one factor when it comes to buying a new card. There is no better card. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. I would be more inclined to get an all-rounder. One that supports injection / reaver / aircrack-ng and is 1000mW to 2000mW.
Considering that many users might want to check if their cards are genuine after or before buying I took this high-res screenshots:
thx alot TCB13 u have help me alot.....but my mother gave me permission to buy it....but my mother give me extra money that is more than enough to buy awus036nha............but the black one is not realtek but it is atheros right.....does it work very well in reaver now and future like realtek 8187l --- Double Post Merged, 14 Jul 2012 --- thx alot TCB13 u have help me alot.....but my mother gave me permission to buy it....but my mother give me extra money that is more than enough to buy awus036nha............but the black one is not realtek but it is atheros right.....does it work very well in reaver now and future like realtek 8187l --- Double Post Merged, 14 Jul 2012 --- hey why does your H version in black colour
AWUS036H is the perfect card, everything works fine. The drivers are stable for some time now. They don't need to fix or improve anything. AWUS036NHA is the card that will probably replace AWUS036H in the future. This card is atheros based not realtek like the other one, but the drivers also work very well at this point. The only advantage of this card comparing to the legacy AWUS036H is the "n" support. They are both top class cards. AWUS036NHA works just fine with BT5 and reaver-wps.
but what r u always use....H or NHA which has the best signal and will work very well 5years-10years in the future because there will be a new version of xiaopan and reaver
Everyday use: AWUS036NH Best long term support: AWUS036NHA Right now I'm testing AWUS036NHA for every use for some days, so far everything works great. I might stop using AWUS036NH in some weeks.
That it will work great 5 years from now. New versions of xiaopan or reaver won't break the usability of the card, the wireless drivers for AWUS036NHA are working great now so they will stay that way. The issues with cards failing are related to the drivers not to the software updates and new stuff.
but does it has problem like my dlink..injection flaky...not detect in reaver pro/xiaopan u have facebook or yahoo messenger, it hard to chat here
This an Injection and reaver test with AWUS036NHA: Everything is working as you can see. Last night I cracked and WPS AP all night long and everything went like expected.