Script was requested among others on the TinyPaw forum: For the most part this script has been left "original" however some Cyrillic characters were removed and replaced with English standard UTF-8. Along with that all systemctl/systemd calls for "network-manager" have been commented out with "#" as well for TinyPaw resolution scaling all xterm -geometry executions have been modified from the default "125x50+50+0" into "100x25+50+0". This script has not been wrapped into a squashfs extension due to it reading and writing it's own DB files in the scripts "./" directory. Unzip the script into your (home/tc/Downloads/) directory and execute from there. What is wifi-autopwner? " WiFi-autopwner: script to automate searching and auditing Wi-Fi networks with weak security " Quoted from the project github: SourceForge: BitBucket: Installation: 1.) Download the archived file from either of the above repositories. 2.) From within your (/home/tc/Downloads/) folder open your terminal/cli and execute the following string: unzip 3.) After the archived file is uncompressed enter the following strings in your terminal/cli: cd tp-WiFi-autopwner-master sudo bash 4.) Enjoy~ Usage suggestion: *my personal thoughts* - Select option 12 - "Set the interface in monitor mode" *allow script to place your wlan# device into mon mode* - Select option 71 - "Automated Wi-Fi network audit" *allow script to search for "open" , "wep" , "wps" networks - using "cntl+c" to cycle thru each search phase* - After script has searched all networks within range it will commence various automated attack vectors